Welcome at "Hack a Brute"

Welcome to this site dedicated to hacking and moding of the Arturia's MiniBrute synthesizer.
Here I intend to share with other hackers the possible modifications to enhance and improve our beloved MiniBrute synthesizers. Hopefully, the engineers at Arturia offer some possibilities of extension by providing connection and test points on the PCB.

If you have made an original modification to your "brute" and want to share it you are welcome to contact me and I will be happy to host it on this site (giving you full credit).

This site is a PERSONAL SITE, this means that, eventhough Arturia is favourable to this project and is kind enough to provide complete technical information for publication on this site, this is not an official site of Arturia and therefore Arturia and its affiliates cannot be held responsible for any error, bug, damage or injury that would result from the use of information published herein.
It must be clear, that by opening your MiniBrute you loose all the warranty and it is your own responsability that is engaged if you apply any change or modification described in this site.
The modifications described in this site require a very good experience in electronics, they may require direct modifications of the PCB and chassis and they are not recommended if you are not an experience electronic tech.

The author, host, and all people associated with these web pages disclaim any liability for damages should anyone be killed or injured while working on these projects, or projects based on these designs, or any other project or design presented on these web pages and any associated web pages. The author, host, and all people associated with these web pages also disclaim any liability for projects, or projects based on these designs, or any other project or design presented on these web pages and any associated web pages when used in such a way as to infringe relevant government regulations and by-laws.